Wednesday, November 18, 2015

She said He said authors co-authors finally meet - in person!

An historic event finally occurred yesterday: the co-authors of Pikkeljig Press' landmark work "She said He said" - Kari Enes and Guy McGowan - finally got to meet in person!

It's hard to believe, but these two authors worked together while separated on different continents and hemispheres: Guy in South Africa and Kari in Norway.

Now Kari has finally traveled down to South Africa to meet Guy.  It's an absolute gift to see them together in this photo and Pikkeljig Press is proud to be able to publish it.

If you haven't yet read their consciousness-expanding treatise, you really should!  You can buy the PP paperback here for only $16.95, while the Kindle version is available here for only $3.66.

Bravo Kari and Guy!